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Robin Class – Reception

Welcome to our page, Robin class families!

Firstly, we would like to say welcome to Willow Park, it has been so lovely to meet the youngest members of our school and welcome all you new families into our school community. We are very much looking forward to the year ahead in reception.

We would encourage you to keep an eye on this page throughout the year as we like to share important documents, termly curriculum planning and homework guidance. This term in Robin class we focus on getting used to being in school, playing with our new friends and practising the behaviours needed to be successful learners.


Mrs Vicky Leaker (Class Teacher, Monday – Wednesday)

Mr Chris Gavriel (Class Teacher, Thursday and Friday)

Miss Karen Bryant (Class Teaching Assistant)


Daily Timetable


Phonics RWI Groups

Continuous Provision and Snack time


Continuous Provision

Mathematician teaching time


Lunch time


Teaching time

Continuous Provision

Teaching time


Home time

Image of Robin

Useful Documents

Bristol Central Library Letter

Dates for Your Diary

Baseline Assessment Information for Parents and Carers


Reception Phonic Websites and Apps


Current Term Information

At Willow Park we use an enquiry-based curriculum called Light Up Learning. It focuses on people, places and stories which challenge the children with their learning in the local area.

Our main enquiry question this term is ‘Where can we go?’

Please see the link below for what we are learning in Robin Class this term.

Curriculum Map – Term 6


Previous Class Letters and Curriculum Maps

Curriculum Map – Term 5

Robin Class Letter – Term 4

Curriculum Map – Term 4

Robin Class letter – Term 3

Curriculum Map – Term 3

Robin Class Letter – Term 2

Curriculum Map – Term 2

Robin Class letter – Term 1

Curriculum Map – Term 1


Home Work

Please enjoy exploring books with your child daily. Whilst looking at books together mix up who is the reader, your child can also be a storyteller by ‘reading’ the pictures to you and talking about what is happening on the page. Have fun creating sound effects, animal noises, talking about what has happened on a page, reflecting on character’s feelings and recalling repeated lines together. The more you talk together, the more words your child will learn.

Once your child can blend sounds to read words, we will start sending home books that the children can read through applying their phonetic understanding. When your child reaches this point, please listen to your child read three times a week for five minutes and record what they have read in their reading record book. Each time we spot a child who has achieved this we will award them a house point, thank you.




We will provide your child with fruit during the morning snack time, those who are 4 years old will also be offered milk. Please bring a piece of fruit in their bag if you would like them to have a second snack during the afternoon.



Book Bags

Please ensure your child brings a named water bottle and their Willow Park book bag containing their reading books into school every day.


PE Days

Robin Class will be doing PE on Thursday afternoons, so will be expected to arrive at school in their PE kit on Thursdays.


If you have any worries or concerns, please come and see us at the end of the day after the class has been dismissed.

Vicky Leaker and Chris Gavriel