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Home-School Agreement

At Willow Park we value the role of parents in the education of their child and wish to work in partnership with you.

We ask all parent(s)/carer(s) to sign our home-school agreement when they join our school community.

The role of parents & carers

I will:

  • support the school’s behaviour policies and the teacher’s role
  • see that my child attends school regularly and punctually
  • ensure that my child’s school bag is returned each day to school
  • ensure that my child attends school having had an adequate breakfast and enough sleep
  • participate in discussions concerning my child’s progress
  • make early contact with school if there are any concerns at home or at school
  • get to know about my child’s life at school and offer him/her praise and encouragement

The role of teaching staff

We will:

  • work in partnership with you to provide the best possible education for your child
  • provide a summary of what children will be learning each term
  • contact parents if there is a problem with attendance or punctuality
  • set and mark homework
  • let parents know about any concerns or problems that affect their child’s work or behaviour
  • let parents know about good behaviour and achievement
  • hold parent/teacher discussions each term and send on annual report at the end of the academic year
  • send regular newsletters containing recent, relevant school information, provide the opportunity for children to develop social skills, build good relationships and a sense of responsibility.

Willow Park C of E Primary School strives to ensure that the culture and ethos of the school are such that, whatever the heritage and origins of members of the school community, everyone is equally valued and treats one another respect.

Home School Agreement